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Allan's TIME > Unified Field Theory > Potential Research

Liquid Nitrogen Simulation of Aurora Borealis

Unified Field Theory explains Auroras Borealis and Australis based on diallel field lines. A laboratory experiment properly combining magnetic and gravitational fields is suggested as validation.

Taken from the Space Shuttle, this image shows the charateristic ring shape of an aurora.


Aurora Borealis and the Earth's Magnetic Field
Liquid Nitrogen simulation of Aurora Borealis

Aurora Borealis and the Earth's Magnetic Field

Quoting from the book Solar System Astrophysics by Brandt and Hodge (p406), 

"The displays of Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis have excited the imagination of men for many years.  Considerable observational and theoretical effort has been devoted to the solution of the auroral problem, but essential understanding is yet to come."

Though this book is copyright 1964, and much has been learned since then, still this field of research has many mysteries and unexplained phenomena.

The Aurora Borealis is a good example of atmospheric conditions being in the correct alignment to see radiation in the visible from the high-energy electrons following diallel lines and causing atmospheric molecules to move to an excited energy state -- after which they emit in the visible, which we see.

The center of the velocity distribution of electrons from the sun is about 1.2 Mm/s (2.7 million MPH or about 0.4 percent of the velocity of light). Capturing this much energy in the form of an excited electron decaying and radiating a photon yields a photon with a frequency of about 1 X 1015 Hz. This is in the near ultraviolet region of the spectrum.  The width of the velocity distribution would produce transitions both in the optical and further into the ultraviolet.

This new unified field theory would predict a congruent set of spectral lines in the ultra violet corresponding to each of the lines in the visible because of the allowed quantum states of these spiraling electrons.  This congruency occurs symmetrically on either side of approximately the above UV frequency for the following reasons.  As the electrons come into the North Pole of the earth, the spiraling direction caused by the magnetic field and the diallel gravitational field lines are both clockwise with, of course, the gravitational force vector being downward.  This moves the electrons into a higher set of quantum states than after the electron is reflected back up.  As the electron is slowed down in the converging magnetic field lines it radiates in a set of lines in the UV region of the spectrum.  When these electrons are reflected -- going away from the earth -- this moves the electrons into a lower set of quantum states, which causes the electrons as they undergo transitions with their acceleration in the magnetic field to radiate in the visible, which is what we see. These UV photons could be measured with special spectral analysis equipment and have been observed on Saturn with a UV camera on the Hubble telescope.

This new theory also explains why the aurora are much stronger in the Northern Hemisphere than in the Southern.  Since the spin direction of an electron coming into the North magnetic pole along a magnetic field line is clockwise and is complemented by the spin direction due to the diallel gravitational field lines, there is an augmentation in the Northern Hemisphere of the earth for those higher-energy electrons reaching the earth and being conducted through the center.  On the other hand, there is some cancellation in the Southern Hemisphere.  That is, the electron's spin is counter-clockwise coming into the south magnetic pole, while they want to spin clockwise due to the diallel gravitational field lines.  This then results in a resistance at the south magnetic pole.  The net is a flow of electrons from the North to the South Poles of the earth.  This then sustains the magnetic field of the earth. Since most of the interaction of the diallel lines and the magnetic field lines occur near the poles, this has negligible effect on humanity.

Liquid Nitrogen simulation of Aurora Borealis

One can simulate the Aurora Borealis by simulating the North Pole with a magnetic field -- divergent in nature as at the North Pole -- going through a container of liquid nitrogen and the vapor that forms above it.  This vapor acts like the atmosphere for the northern lights to reflect off of as we see the visible variable lines as they play across the sky.

Proposed Aurora simulation experiment

Aurora Borealis Simulation
for the Earth

Emitting electrons from above the container at the right velocity downward toward the liquid nitrogen, which will then follow diallel gravitational field lines' as well as the convergent magnetic field lines, will bring about the simulation.  These electrons will spiral clockwise as they interact with the magnetic field and with the diallel gravitational field quantum states.

As the electrons lose momentum -- being decelerated by the convergent magnetic field -- they will undergo quantum transitions in the UV region of the spectrum.  As they are reflected back up the magnetic field lines, they will undergo transitions in a congruent set of quantum states in the visible region of the spectrum -- giving rise to the radiated colors observed in Aurora Borealis.

The right velocity for the electron emission will be dependent on the convergence and the strength of the magnetic field chosen for the experiment. Since such a simulation will be a microscopic simulation of the North Magnetic Pole, some calculations will help to determine a proper range for this electron emission velocity.

See also:

New Unified Field Theory
list of validations
Index of active and potential research

Related Sites:

From Yahoo! "Northern Lights"
Auroras: Paintings in the Sky - this site will show you what auroras look like from space and on Earth, explain how they are created, and show you where they can be found.
Be sure to see their related sites page.
Aurora Page - information and images concerning the "Northern Lights."
University of Alaska Geophysical Institute's Auroral Activity Forecast - information about the aurora, forecasts, and educational materials.
Auroral Studies at the University of Calgary, Canada
Ultraviolet Imager (UVI) - a camera in Earth orbit which conducts observations of the polar aurora in the far ultraviolet wavelengths and helps quantify the overall effects of solar energy input to the Earth's polar regions.
Hubble Images of Jupiter's aurora. See the photos, read the press release.
Jupiter Aurora
Satellite photographs aurora from space
First ever x-ray images of the Earth's aurora from NASA's Polar Satellite.
The Exploration of the Earth's Magnetosphere
Complete primer on the Earth's magnetosphere includes a variety of images and thorough explanations.


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