Cavorite -- The Physics of Gravity and Inertia Control: Is It Real? Experiments in 1992 in Finland seemed to show that the Earth's gravity could be shielded
or modified with a superconductor. This
experiment, by Eugene Podkletnov, at
Finland's Tampere University of Technology, apparently displayed the reduction in the weight of
objects placed above a levitating, rotating high Tc superconducting disk, exposed to high
frequency magnetic fields.
Orb Study - Balls of light captured in
photography dubbed "Unified Field Plasmoids."
the Law of Gravity -- Wired Magazine
Skeptics had a field day when a scientist claimed in 1996 that gravity could be negated. Now his
findings are being investigated in laboratories worldwide.
Modification -- Dr. Ning Li of UAH
Predicts that if a time varying magnetic field are applied to a superconductor, charged and
deformed lattice ions within the superconductor could absorb enormous amounts of energy via the
magnetic moment effect...
The Physics of
Electromagnetic Masses - by John William Carr. Reveals a major breakthrough on the
electromagnetic unified field theory and the general theory of relativity.
Field Theory - Non-self-consistency theorems for classical GR's field equations leading
to a unified field theory of forces based on vector-boson field theory in flat space with
gravitational time-dialation only. Calculation of GR effects from quantum field theory in
flat space, including the precession of the perhelion of Mercury, curvature of light around
the sun, and the gravitational redshift.
Mechanics - Source for free e-book, Electrogravitation As A Unified Field Theory, by
Jerry E. Bayles.
Field Theory
A Listing of Old and Rare Books on Unified Field Theory The Information Contained Within
These Books Is Unusual and Powerful, And Very Difficult to Find Elsewhere.
Field Theory
Scientific, literary and graphic contents developed by Barry Bridgeford.
Ellipses to Superstrings A history of unification theories in physics, from the Copernican Revolution to the
current Theory of Everything, Superstrings.
Field Theory
Brief overview of attempts to describe all fundamental forces and the relationships between
elementary particles in terms of a single theoretical framework.
Unification Field Theory and
Listing of papers published on the Unified Field Theory during the years, 1991, 1992, 1993,
1994, 1995, 1996, 1997