| Spiritual
> The BOOK of All Books
-- That Changed the World (Dec. 4, 2015) |
 | http://ItsAboutTimeBook.com
2014 |
 | Health > Hormone
imbalance; how to overcome this major societal problem (May 22,
2014) |
 | Note: the hosting service for this site went offline without telling us in
May, 2014, causing us to have to revert to a 1.5-year old version. We're in
process of repopulating the content. |
 | Government > The Difference Between Liberty and Freedom
by Jim Noorlander (July 4, 2012) |
 | Allan Variance > Inspiration for "Allan Variance"
(June 27, 2012) |
 | Government > Wake Up Americans! Fulfill Your Destiny!
(May 30, 2012) |
 | Government > The land of the Free, Prepared by the Lord
– How a Utopian society (ZION) will come out of it – An historical perspective
(May 30, 2012) |
 | Government > Is Our Defense for our defense? If not, what can we do?
- Includes perspectives on 9/11 being an inside job. (May 27, 2012) |
 | Spiritual / Government >
- Includes perspectives on 9/11 being an inside job. ( 27 August
2010) |
 | Government > Barack Obama and the enemies within
- A dear friend of
ours gave us a copy of a talk that Trevor Loudon gave in Colorado in March, 2012, which is basically a summary of his book,
Barack Obama and the Enemies
Within. It is an incredibly informative talk, and so we have gone to the effort of converting it into two
MP3 files. (
Apr. 23, 2012) |
 | Scientific Papers > Conversion of Frequency Stability Measures from the Time-domain to the Frequency-domain, vice-versa and Power-law Spectral Densities
(pdf); January 26, 2012. |
 | Spiritual > Why Does God, Who is Good, Create Evil?
- A review of the scriptures regarding the supremacy of agency and the role
of suffering, chastisement, and overcoming through Christ. (June 15, 2011) |
 | Spiritual > TRUTH vs. truth
- David Allan says that scientific truth evolves over time as knowledge
increases; while eternal truths are unchanging. (February 20, 2011) |
 | How are we saved? What does the Bible say?
- Are we saved by grace? YES! Are we saved by works? YES! How can this be? Which is it, GRACE or WORKS? Can it be both?
(February 20, 2011) |
 | Government > D.W.A.
at Freedom Week 2010 - On Sept. 29, 2010,
David Allan spoke at America's Freedom Education Week at the McKay Events Center
at the Utah Valley University in Orem,
UT. This page is a collection of downloads and links supplemental to
his presentation titled: Love – The First Law of Heaven, Healing Our Nation |
 | Government > What
is the Perfect Law of Liberty, and How is This Cornerstone to Our Personal
Liberty? (Apr. 16, 2010) |
 | Spiritual > Scientists Discover Divine Ratio: The Great Octagon of the Hopewell Civilization
- Scientists discover the "divine ratio" in ancient North American ruins. One scientist said that these discoveries are more exciting than “putting a man on the moon”. These discoveries bring science and religion together and make them the most significant discoveries that I have seen in my life time. (March 3, 2010) |
 | Spiritual > Coming
to Christ to Overcome Addictions |
 | Health > Run and Not Be Weary - EXERCISE is an important part of the Lord’s program – Designed to bring Fulfillment and Joy
(Nov. 14, 2009) |
 | Edna's Tips > Chia
Seed Recipe Ideas (July 21, 2009) |
 | Health > - A Recently Discovered Super Food that was an Ancient American Food – Organic and all Natural as well
(May 16, 2009) |
 | Health > The
Ideal Meal - Includes a review of two of Michael Pollan books: Omnivore’s
Dilemma and In Defense of
Food, documenting the disaster our industrialized food system has created.
( February 27, 2009) |
 | Health > Reversal of Health Challenges and Health Procedures to Counter Aging
- How healthy diet and exercise has addressed problems including: arrhythmia; arteriosclerosis; arthritis; debilitating back injury; blood circulation problems; constipation; symptoms of dementia; eye-sight degeneration; overweight challenges; prostate challenges; and excessive
epistaxis. (29 August 2008) |
 | Health > Vitamin D:
To be free from influenza and many diseases - The type of Vitamin D that is so beneficial to the immunity system is nearly exclusively activated by exposure to high-angle sun exposure, hence the higher incidence of the flu and cold in the Winter months. A UVB lamp can answer the deficit.
(November 20, 2007) |
 | Spiritual > DNA and the Book of Mormon
- A review of Rodney Meldrum’s new DNA evidence that has come forth since the DVD, "DNA versus the Book of Mormon" was made. This new evidence, in contrast to the first, appears to provide support for the Book of Mormon as well as and an interesting geographic paradigm for the events therein.
(Nov. 16, 2007) |
 | Spiritual > Left
to Tell: Discovering God Amidst the Rwandan Holocaust; by Immaculée Ilibagiza
- Book report on this true story. (May 13, 2007) |
 | Health > Our Experience with Grapefruit Seed Extract
(May 13, 2007) |
 | Spiritual > ALL
ABOUT LOVE: Finding, keeping, understanding, and enjoying true love in your
life - True love is pure and is the path to the greatest happiness
in time and eternity. Additionally, it leads to the solution of all
problems. In Contrast, distorted love leads to most of the problems we have
in society. And aid for identifying and overcoming sexual addiction. (March
25, 2007) |
 | Spiritual > What is
the most important common holiday of the year for Arab, Jew, and
Gentile? Christmas, Passover, Easter, etc. - Traditions often lead us
down strange roads – very different from the reason for which they were
started. Such is the case with most major holidays. A perspective here is
very helpful in giving us a better focus in our lives as it relates to our
important holidays. (Oct. 14, 2006) |
 | Spiritual > A Wake-up
Call from Abraham Lincoln - turn to God and live. (Posted Feb. 15,
2006) |
 | Spiritual > Baptism
with Fire - Compilation of verses (Dec. 28, 2005) |
 | Health > How to be
Healthy; or How to be sick - the American Way - A review of The
China Study, the most comprehensive health report ever compiled. (April
2005) |
 | Spiritual / Health
> Am
I BORN AGAIN of Body, Mind, and Spirit? (Posted Nov. 17, 2004) |
 | Health > Healing My
Back Pain (Posted Nov. 15, 2004) |
 | Health > The Abundant
Life: Regeneration or Degeneration, Your Choice - based, in part, on
the book Brain Longevity by Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. (Jan.
2004) |
 | Health > How to BE Healed
from Disease - review of great resources. (Jan. 2004) |
 | Spiritual > Book Review > To
Him That Believeth: Claiming Heaven's Blessings - power of
forgiveness. (Dec. 26, 2003) |
 | Spiritual > Book Review > There
Is No Death - NDE of Sarah Menet, with some scientific and spiritual
perspectives added by DWA. (Aug. 2003) |
 | Publications >
David W. Allan, Directions
2003 (scroll to end of page): Experts are
considering a new definition for Universal Coordinated Time; GPS World;
January 2003; pp.30,32. |
 | Spiritual > Gifts of God
- anthology of scriptures on the subject. (Jan. 2003) |
 | Health (link) > Dr. Lorraine
Day's Website - "Cancer doesn't scare me any more."
Natural, Alternative Therapies for all Diseases and Special Facts about
Cancer and AIDS |
 | Spiritual > We are in
Touch with Eternity - Spiritual Ramifications of New Unified Field
Theory; Article on God and Man by David W. Allan (June. 2002) |
 | UFT > Spiritual Ramifications > "Miracles
of Mind" and the New Unified Field Theory - Describes seven
spectral bands in the diallel line communication channels. (Jan. 16, 2002) |
 | Related Sites > Replacing
Einstein's SR and GR: A Unified Classical Theory of the Electric, Magnetic
and Gravitational Forces -- Bruce Harvey |
 | Health > Fats: For Your Health
(by Monique N. Gilbert) - Health benefits of monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fats of plant products turn to particularly unhealthy trans
or partially hydrogenated fats when manufactured into solid form, even more
than the saturated fats of animal products. (12/14/01) |
 | Spiritual > Gratitude:
Mendenhall Fireside Report and Anthology (10/25/01) |
 | Publications > D. W. Allan, Neil Ashby,
Gus R. German; A New
Paradigm for High Accuracy Orbit Determination at the Centimeter Level;
ION GPS 2001. (9/25/01) |
 | Health > Water, the Remarkable
Panacea! - It seems too good to be true that such a simple procedure
(drink eight-eight ounce glasses of water a day) could provide such
astounding benefits. (9/25/01) |
 | Newsletter > Allan's TIME
Newsletter Archive (8/2/01) |
 | Government > Socrates
and Democracy - Socrates decries tendency for less-enlightened mob
rule. Pays with his life. (7/30/01) |
 | Spiritual > Anthology
on Time - potpourri of quotes (4/24/01) |
 | Unified Field Theory > The
Function of Diallel Lines in Personal Communication and Learning --
The Spiritual Internet - A Working Model by Sterling D. Allan
(4/5/01) |
 | Allan Variance > Use
in Radio-astronomical Instrumentation - Dr. Rudolf Schieder of the
University of Cologne gives a partial listing of AVAR relevant papers.
(3/26/01) |
 | Book Report > Magic
Trees of the Mind : How to Nurture Your Child's Intelligence,
Creativity, and Healthy Emotions from Birth Through Adolescence -- by
Marian Diamond, Janet L. Hopson (3/7/01) |
 | Book Report > The
Soul's Remembrance : Earth is not our home by Roy Mills (3/7/01) |
 | Solar Home > Trombe
Wall - Essentials, Advantages, Related Sites (2/3/01) |
 | Publications: Synchronistic
Modulation Detection - Incorporating new unified field theory for
inexpensive, highly accurate navigation. 'Directions 2001' article by
DWA published in GPS World, Dec. 2000. |
 | News: Up-to-date Science News
Headlines (12/13/00) |
 | Intro: Overview
-- New Unified Field Theory (9/16/00) |
 | Book Report: Heavenly
Answers for Earthly Challenges : Near-Death Experience Reveals How to
Make Certain You Enjoy the Other Side When You Get There (8/20/00) |
 | Forum: Allan'sTIME
Discussion Board @ MyComputer.com (9/4/00) |
 | Publications: Exciting
News for New Unified Field Theory (UFT) - Write up now available;
additional validation information and experiments. (8/29/00) |
 | Research: Detection
of UV Radiation Coming from Diallel-line Quantum Transitions
(8/22/00) |
 | Research: Affirmative
Results: plumb bob displacement with introduction of energy density
source (8/4/00) |
 | Press Release: Increased Solar
Flare Activity and Planet Alignment Correlated (6/9/00) |
 | Publications: List of
Independent References to the Allan Variance (6/6/00) |
 | Publications: The
Science of Timekeeping (6/6/00) |
 | Essay: Nuclear
Blast on Moon Would Also Have Columnar Shape (5/17/00) |
 | Essay: Planetary
Alignment and Magnetic Field Interaction (5/5/00) |
 | Edna: Edna's Tips on
Healthy Cooking, Dehydration, Gardening, Plant Care (4/27/00) |
 | Health: Some Thoughts on a Healthy
Diet (4/22/00) |
 | Publications: New
Theory of Gravity -- A Brief Introduction (3/31/00) |
 | Research: Science
Fair Project Ideas -- Proving New Gravity Theory (3/30/00) |
 | Forum: UFT Newsletter
(3/21/00) |
 | Privacy Policy (3/21/00) |
 | UFT Discussion Page (3/21/00) [archived]
to MyComputer server (9/4/00) |
 | Research: Proposed
Research: Liquid Nitrogen Simulation of Aurora Borealis (3/6/00) |
 | Research: Pendulum
Experiment Results -- Gravitational Pull Effected by Energy Density
Variation (2/18/00) |
 | Publications: Introductory
Cover Letter for Readers of the New Unified Field Theory Paper
(2/12/00) |
 | Bio: Brief Biography of Dave's Wife:
Edna Love Ramsay Allan (2/7/00) |
 | Links: Related Sites
(1/26/00) |
 | Theory: Unified Field
Theory Gallery (1/26/00) |
 | Research: Updated with photos: The
Magic of an Egg Explained -- New Gravitational Theory Evidenced in a
Simple Kitchen Experiment (1/26/00) |
 | Spiritual: Faith of a
Scientist: Index of Spiritual Writings by D.W.A. (1/16/00) |
 | Bio: Allan's Solar Home:
Design and Explanation (1/16/00) |
 | Publications: Six IEEE
publications by D.W.A. available in PDF (1/13/99) |
 | Publications: The
Impact of Precise Time in Our Lives: A Historical and Futuristic
Perspective Surrounding GPS (1/12/99) |
 | Publications: The
Science of Timekeeping (Hewlett Packard
Application Note 1289) |
 | Publications: GPS
World article Dec. 1999 (12/24/99) |