Allan's T.I.M.E.

David W. Allan's
Time Interval Metrology Enterprise



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David W. Allan
Renaissance man 

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Official Time (U.S.)
accurate to 0.4 seconds

D.W.A. Publications Available for On-line Viewing

Brief overview of the Allan Variance an integral equation in international time-keeping standard algorithms.

David W. Allan; The Impact of Precise Time in Our Lives: A Historical and Futuristic Perspective Surrounding GPS; 50th Anniversary Invited Talk at Institute of Navigation Annual Meeting, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado; 5-7 June 1995.

David W. Allan, Neil Ashby, Cliff Hodge; Science of Timekeeping; Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1289; 1997.

The Science of Timekeeping (cover image)
H.P. Application Note 1289

"Timekeeping has become a critical factor in almost every aspect of our lives. HP is proud to present this application note, written by three of the leading scientists in the field, which brings together the history and the science of today's hyperfine timekeeping benefits, needs, and expectations. Authored by David W. Allan, Clifford C. Hodge, and Neil Ashby, this application note promises to be a classic reference for decades to come."

A. Lepek, A. Shenhar, and D.W. Allan, INPL Virtual Time Scale, UTC(INPL); Metrologia, 1996, 32(4), 245-252.

D. W. Allan, Neil Ashby, Cliff Hodge; A Brief History of Precise Time and GPS; Special Supplemental addition of GPS World; Aug. (with November reprint summary) 1998.

David W. Allan, John A. Kusters, Charles E. Wheatley III; Ctxo, Clever Time Crystal Oscillator (Clock); Proceedings of the 1999 Joint Meeting of The European Frequency and Time Forum and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, 13-16 April 1999.

D. W. Allan; Directions 2000; GPS World; Dec. 1999; p. 36.
(Pending unified field theory to simplify science.)

D. W. Allan; Directions 2001; GPS World; Dec. 2000; p. 36.
(Synchronistic Modulation Detection model.)  (Available in PDF, Copyright 2000 GPS World magazine, Advanstar Communications, 859 Willamette Street, Eugene OR 97401, USA)

D. W. Allan; Conversion of Frequency Stability Measures from the Time-domain to the Frequency-domain, vice-versa and Power-law Spectral Densities (pdf); January 26, 2012.

See also

List of publications by DWA available in PDF format
List of Publications by David W. Allan
Pending Book: GPS and Precision Timing Principles: Applications and Opportunities
David W. Allan's Biography


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P.O. Box 66, Fountain Green, Utah 84642 USA; FAX 435-835-1625