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List of Validations and/or Applications for the New Unified
Field Theory
December 1999
click here for
New Unified Field Theory INDEX
Those items with a leading "[o]" are marked to indicate future
- Provides a basic unified field theory equation and the mechanism of how
the known force fields (gravitational, electromagnetic, and the strong and
weak nuclear) interact and work together
- Explanation of why a nuclear (or very large) explosion has associated with
it a column (stem of the mushroom cloud) (see gallery)
- Explanation of why the stem of a mushroom cloud extends beyond the
mushroom into space to inordinate heights if the explosion is extremely
large -- like the thermonuclear fusion hydrogen bomb explosions (called Mike
and Bravo) set off in the Pacific of 10.5 and 15 Megatons of TNT equivalent,
- Explanation of why on some occasions the stem of the mushroom cloud
shrinks inward -- emitting photons as it does so
- Predicts that immediately after the time of a nuclear explosion, radiation
will be emitted to the core of the earth, where much of it is reflected, and
onto the opposite side of the earth (Fortunately for humans, most of the
test sites have been opposite large bodies of water, though some unreported
repercussions may have occurred with ocean life on the opposite side.)
- Explains and predicts significant earth core heating resulting from the
accumulated effect of nuclear explosions with spin off characteristics of
ocean warming and ozone thinning
- Explains the mechanism of core heating of the earth
- Provides a mechanism for why the earth has a magnetic field and how and
why it can change
- Explains the mechanism for the colors in the Aurora Borealis and why it
occurs (see write-up)
- Explains why Aurora Borealis is more active, in general, than Australis
- [o] Provides a simple laboratory experiment using liquid
nitrogen to simulate the Aurora Borealis at the North Pole
- Explains why Tesla's radio-frequency experiment using the earth as a
resonator worked as it did
- Explains how whales communicate over very long distances using ULF
- Explains how fireflies remain in synchronism over significant distances --
out of sight of each other
- Provides additional explanation for the nature of lightning
- Explains much of the phenomena that occurs above intense lightning storms
known as "elfs," "blue jets" and "red
sprites," only documented within this decade (see
- Provides a mechanism for the coupling between the angular momentum of the
Earth's atmosphere and the rotation rate of the earth, which have been
observed to be correlated with near zero lag time
- Explains why, in part, the static-friction coefficient is typically
greater than the dynamic-friction coefficient
- Models and predicts the intensity of the sun spot cycles and when the
maxima and minima will be (see gallery)
- Shows the importance of planetary alignments with the sun, electron flow
from the sun, and the dynamics of the magnetic fields of the sun and of the
planets as they tie directly to sunspot activity
- [o] The astronomy community predicts no significant effects
from the planetary alignment during the first part of May 2000. Others
predict disastrous effects. This new theory predicts some effects,
which includes the possibility of increased radio and electromagnetic
transmission interference, the possibility of increased whether activity,
the possibility of increased volcanic and earthquake activity, the Aurora
Borealis should be large as also for Jupiter and Saturn (except that they
will be on the opposite side of the sun from the earth at that time, and
will be difficult to observe). Actually, Jupiter and Saturn line up
with the sun around 13 June 2000, which is more significant according to
this new theory than the general alignment talked about in May.
Jupiter and Saturn are both slightly inclined in their orbits to the earth's
ecliptic plane, and at that time they will be 2.5 degrees apart due to their
different inclinations.
- Explains why magnetic pole reversals occur in the Sun about every 11
years, and why they occur in the planets as well -- including the earth
- Provides a fundamental insight into how and why gravitational fields can
be modified, focused and defocused
- [o] Provides a mechanism for constructing an anti-gravity
- [o] Provides a means of using laser beams to study the profile
of the moon
- [o] Provides a unique mechanism, along the lines of Tesla's
work, for sending laser signals through the earth and determining the mass
center to a very high accuracy.
- Provides additional explanation as to why people derive health benefits
from jumping on a rebounder (mini-trampoline)
- Explains why an egg can be stood on end and remain stable with
perturbations present (see write-up)-- even
against a perfectly smooth, hard surface and with the egg being smooth as
well (see gallery)
- [o] Provides a simple mechanism for testing an aspect of this
new theory by measuring the RF field of an egg when erect and when on its
side as electrons move up and down along the vertical diallel gravitational
field lines (see explaination of diallel in section 2.2.1)
- Provides additional explanation of the behavior of plant growth
- [o] Provides a simple experiment for aligning seeds along a
vertical axis as a validation of this new theory
- Explains why after jumping on a trampoline there is the strong tendency
for a person's hair to stand out
- Provides an explanation of why the images observed in Kirlian photography
are thus
- [o] Opens the opportunity for the construction of
an "electron-wheel" device (see write-up) which will
be very important in measuring the behavior of the gravitational field on
the earth or in space
- Opens up additional perspectives in the explanation of and behavior of
- Explains why -- on those occasions when the stem of a nuclear explosion
mushroom cloud collapses inward -- it turns black. This is a miniature
example of a process that occurs in a black-hole
- [o] Opens the opportunity for validation experiments using
electrons, protons and photons
- Gives additional importance to the role of neutrons in the balance of
nature's forces
- Explains the dark bands going out from the sun as observed, for example,
during the 11 August 1999 eclipse
- Explains the spokes going out radially from Saturn -- observed during the
Voyager I encounter -- as the diallel gravitational field lines emanating
from that planet being traversed by electrons (as explained below), which
were interacting with particles in band-B of Saturn's rings
- Explains why satellites, reported by NASA JPL, appear to be heavier than
current gravitational theory would account for
- [o] Provides a simple experiment to explain why satellites may
appear heavier at times
- [o] Provides an experiment to observe distortions in the local
vertical and effects on the period of a pendulum in the immediate proximity
of a power transformer station (see
- [o] Provides an experiment which will give a direct
measurement of the relationship between energy of a system and the
gravitational attraction, which will also provide an improved value of the
Universal Gravitational constant, "G"
- Explains why significant variations exist in the estimation of the masses
of the planets and of the sun -- depending on how and when the measurements
were made
- [o] Suggests an experiment which will find a correlation of
the orbit periods of the moons of planets with the energy-density of same
- Opens the possibility for a fifth and most important force field --
resulting in an extremely important harmonization of the other force fields

See also
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