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HEALTH (Index):
Emphasizing Diet, and Compassionate Eating Habits
On any given day, depending on the season, David Allan can
be found either mountain biking or cross-country skiing behind his
mountain-side home for exercise. He follows a plant-based diet made
delicious by the talents of his wife and chef, who also knows a wide array of
nature's remedies.
David W. Allan Essays
 | How What's on My Plate Affects Body, Mind and
Spirit |
 | Reversal of Health Challenges and Health Procedures to Counter Aging
- How healthy diet and exercise has addressed problems including: arrhythmia; arteriosclerosis; arthritis; debilitating back injury; blood circulation problems; constipation; symptoms of dementia; eye-sight degeneration; overweight challenges; prostate challenges; and excessive
epistaxis. (29 August 2008) |
 | How to be Healthy; or How to be sick -
the American Way
A review of The China Study, the most comprehensive health report ever
compiled. (April 2005) |
 | Vitamin D: To be free from influenza and many diseases
- The type of Vitamin D that is so beneficial to the immunity system is activated by exposure to high-angle sun exposure, hence the higher incidence of the flu and cold in the Winter months. Vitamin D3 is usually available in health food stores. Also, a UVB lamp can answer the deficit.
(November 20, 2007) |
 | Our Experience with Grapefruit Seed Extract |
 | Chia Seed - A Recently Discovered Super Food that was an Ancient American Food – Organic and all Natural as well
(May 16, 2009) |
 | Hormone imbalance; how to overcome this major societal problem
(May 22, 2014) |
 | Run and Not Be Weary - EXERCISE is an important part of the Lord’s program – Designed to bring Fulfillment and Joy
(Nov. 14, 2009) |
of Body, Mind, and Spirit? |
 | Some Thoughts on A Healthy Diet: The Plant-Centered
Alternative |
 | The Abundant Life: Regeneration or
Degeneration, Your Choice - based, in part, on the book Brain
Longevity by Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. |
 | How to BE Healed from Disease
- review of great resources |
 | Water, the Remarkable Panacea! - It seems
too good to be true that such a simple procedure (drink eight-eight ounce
glasses of water a day) could provide such astounding benefits. |
 | The Ideal Meal - Includes a review
of two of Michael Pollan books: Omnivore’s
Dilemma and In Defense of
Food, documenting the disaster our industrialized food system has created.
(February 27, 2009) |
 | Healing My Back Pain |
Edna's Tips

David, Edna and Winnie in their front yard
Supplemental Material
Related Sites:

click here for index of
Spiritual Writings by D.W.A.
Page posted by Sterling D.
Page last updated on May 25, 2014
visits since June 25, 2012 | |