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Some Thoughts on A Healthy Diet:
The Plant-Centered Alternative
by David W. Allan
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Dear friends
Given that my wife and I have both enjoyed some remarkable healings and
blessings of health and strength in our lives, we have felt to share. We have
learned a great deal in these healing processes and have had some significant
personal spiritual experiences. We desire that you, our friend, also enjoy a
full measure of the blessings of health (spiritual as well as physical) in
your life.
We have had many people comment that my wife and I look more healthy
following our mission to the Ivory Coast (Oct. 97 - Feb. 1999) than before,
and have asked how we did it. This was no small task since the Ivorian disease
rate and the unbelievable number and variety of deaths are twice the rate of
the international average.
We could not have so served some years ago as we both had significant
health problems ourselves. Some 15 years ago, my wife was bed-ridden and in
intense pain with arthritis. I have had serious arteriosclerosis and prostate
problems. We have both enjoyed the healing powers of the Lord, for which we
are extremely grateful, and we have come to feel that the Word of Wisdom is
pure gold -- revelation given to the Prophet Joseph Smith in 1833 (Doctrine & Covenants, Section 89). Following the
principles of health outlined therein has in large measure been the reason for
our healing, and we now feel our immunity systems are strong and are able to
ward off much of the disease, which was all around us while serving our
We were appalled at the tobacco industry and their tactics which we saw
while serving in Africa. They ought to be exposed to the four winds. As most
of us have witnessed, some decades ago before it was the "in
thing" for women to smoke, that industry saw a way to double their
profits. They, through advertising, made it popular for women to smoke. We
know the results!
Recently, legislation in the USA has attempted to reverse the smoking
trend. As a result, cigarette sales have been dropping in the States, but
averaged across the world, they are increasing. The tobacco industry has found
a new market third world countries -- mainly Africa. They go to the
schools and give out free cigarettes, and sponsor free movies. If a child will
"light up," they will give him or her a reward on the spot a
bottle of coke or something generally desirable. Their average sales are now
increasing significantly. We saw an alarming increase in tobacco usage during
our year and a half in Africa. We knew many who wanted to quit and couldnt.
Studies in the States have shown that tobacco may be more addicting than
My heart cries out as the creeping, seditious tobacco industry encroaches
its ugly tentacles on these wonderful, but gullible people. How well the Lord
has warned us: "In consequence of evils and designs which do and will
exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you,
and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation--"
(D&C 89:4)
As bad as this seems, Satan has slid an even more seditious and destructive
tactic into the lives of the American people, which has happened to most
without them even knowing it. Maybe we are even more gullible than the
Africans. I was a victim of this sedition also. By training, I am an atomic
clock physicist, and using the scientific method has been part of my
discipline for a multiplicity of years. For me, the greatest experiment in
recent time was conducted by the Prophet Joseph Smith in the Spring of 1820,
when he showed us how to add the spiritual dimension to our five senses to
find and discern the truth. In the last few years, I have used all six senses
in analyzing this very cleverly orchestrated Satanic activity. I have found
many surprises in this study, and it has been a very enlightening and worth
while experience; hence, another reason for writing this document.
When the revelation known as the Word of Wisdom was
given in 1833, many doubted the varsity of its tenants, as they were not in
agreement with current thinking regarding health practices. Now, essentially
every verse has been proven valid. We have in this revelation the strongest
secular evidence of the divine calling of the Prophet Joseph Smith.
I like to divide the Word of Wisdom into four sections: 1) WHY it was
given; 2) the DONTs; 3) the DOs; and 4) the PROMISES. The first surprise is
that across the American population, more people are dying as a result of not
living the DOs than from imbibing the DONTs. This is especially true for
members of our Church. The DONTs, which most LDS follow, say not to imbibe
tobacco products, nor alcohol, nor tea, nor coffee. The DOs prescribe a plant
centered diet. The American diet is meat and dairy centered, and the
consumption of meat and dairy in Utah is about 30% above the national average.
The American consumption has more than doubled over this century and a whole
set of accompanying diseases have increased in proportion across our
population as a result most of them fatal. Because of a meat and dairy
centered diet, Americas have about twice as much protein in their diet above
what is needed with very serious long-term consequences. (Ref Dr. Michael
Klaper, video, "A
Diet for all Reasons"- can be ordered on the net.)
The common killing diseases, which are directly traceable to
arteriosclerosis include, heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, as well as liver
and kidney failures. Four fairly recent studies have shown that this high
protein consumption is the reason for osteoporosis being at epidemic
proportions in America. The excess protein causes an acidic leaching of the
calcium out of the bones regardless of how much calcium one ingests. So the
"drink your milk and get you calcium" works backwards. The blacks in
Africa are 98% lactose intolerant, and we see them following the example of
America with numerous milk products having been introduced. Americans are
about 20% lactose intolerant having adapted over the years. The body was
not designed to digest lactose and the majority of the worlds population
cant. Cows milk, and the products made from it, are surprisingly a
poison to the human system; whereas, mothers milk is ambrosia to an infant,
and it digests perfectly in most cases.
One of the best pieces of news for me in regard to recent studies was
learned over the last two decades, and that is that arteriosclerosis is
reversible. There are several books on the subject now; see for example Reversing
Heart Disease by Julian M. Whitaker, M.D.
It covers medically documented reasons, exercise, vitamins and minerals and
provides receipts and is applicable for reversing any arteriosclerotic related
illnesses--an excellent book. But a simple plant centered, Word of
Wisdom, diet will do it. My wife and I have been on a plant based diet for
nearly four and a-half years now, and the changes in our bodies have been
wonderful. I know we would not have been able to serve the mission in Africa,
if we hadnt learned and lived the full depth of this marvelous revelation.
We know, of course, from the scriptures that eating meat is not wrong. Here we
are talking about balance and degree. We have gone off of meat and dairy for
cleansing purposes, and because of a spiritual validation that this was right
for us personally.
Looking back, we now know that the recommended use of meat and dairy
everyday on the food charts in our schools was encouraged by the America
Cattlemans Association, and the American Dairymans Association with
ulterior motives. These food charts promoted by the US education system have
found there way into our suggested foods and into our welfare manuals. One of the biggest revenue makers for the power and gain,
conspiratorial set, is from banking and financing all aspects of putting meat
and dairy on our plates. Satan knows what these things do to us, and we for
the most part don't. Hence, he has a very subtle, undetected way, of bringing
more early death and misery, uncountable suffering from cancer and the large
set of arteriosclerotic diseases (heart attacks, strokes, arthritis, diabetes,
etc.). At the same time, the coffers of the power and gain community are
filled and refilled at our expense. No thank you! I see Satan subtly and
successfully inflicting suffering all around me, and my heart grieves. My
sincere prayer is that the above truths may be made known and that we will not
rationalize bad behavior and eating habits based on false traditions which
Satan has sadistically and carefully filtered into the American life style and
is filtering into the world community as well.
Fortunately, now, with the studies stacking up so conclusively for the
benefits of a plant based diet, food charts and diet recommendations are being
revisited and revised. In 1995, our oldest son,
Sterling, was involved with a project at the University of Arizona at Tucson
which revealed the significantly increased probability of carcinogenic
run-away in the DNA replication process when it takes place in a more acidic
environment. Interestingly, meat and dairy products are, on the average, acid
forming foods in the body, while a plant-based diet moves the body to a basic
or alkaline state of being. Not only are meat and dairy consumption the main
contributors to our biggest killer in America -- arteriosclerotic diseases --
but also to the big "C," causing cancer in a large number of
cases (see Robbins, DIET
FOR A NEW AMERICA). For example, prostate cancer -- the biggest cancer
killer of men in America -- is 1,300% more likely in the U.S. than in the
Philippines, which correlates directly with meat and dairy consumption. The
numbers are even more extreme for breast cancer, which is almost a
non-existent disease in Thailand.
Again, a plant based diet tends to move the bodys chemical pH
factor toward basic. In other words, a Word of Wisdom diet can greatly decrease
the probability of cancer exactly the findings across the world
population for many different kinds of cancer. During a May 1999 BYU forum
given by Professor Kim O-Neil, he stated the conclusion that 60% of cancer
could be avoided by following the Word of Wisdom, and he mentioned both meat
and dairy as part of that which needs to be greatly reduced from our diets. My
own personal data base indicates that it may be more than 80%.
I was born and raised on a farm in Mapleton, UT -- milking cows. My diet
was meat and dairy centered, and I was taught to drink my milk and to eat meat
to get my protein. Because of my prostate problem, the correlation of my diet
with this problem became apparent. Very similar correlations have been shown
for other kinds of cancer. I have done a simple linear regression analysis on
all of the charts available to me, and, interestingly, they all intersect at
about 20 grams (0.7 ounces) of fat consumption per day, which reminds one of
the word "sparingly" in Section 89:12. The fat consumption in the
USA is over 140 grams per day. Consumption of fat makes us fat, and this 700%
consumption of fat above need is in large measure the reason for so many obese
people. I have lost several pounds, in the places I wanted to, since cutting
meat and dairy from my diet. I feel great, and love to eat. I am most
fortunate to probably have one of the best vegetarian cooks as my wife. One
can get all the fat and protein one needs from a plant based diet without
getting any cholesterol.
A plant based diet has zero cholesterol in it, and the body needs to ingest
zero. It manufactures all that it needs. Many times our church writers have
cited the Daniel diet in support of the Word of Wisdom knowing the great
wisdom given to Daniel a totally plant based diet. This is one of the
greatest of promises of the Word of Wisdom: if we will be obedient to these
teachings and keep the commandments, we "shall find wisdom and great
treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures; And shall run and not be weary,
and shall walk and not faint." (D&C 89:19-20)
I have a theory that I think is important, but I dont have the data to
prove it. I have the evidence in my own life along with some external
evidence. The brain is about 2% of our body weight, yet it uses about 20% of
the circulatory oxygen . Of course, arteriosclerosis affects the whole
circulation system, plugging it up. This plugging triggers a wide variety of
serious side-effects, ranging from memory loss to impotency. You can imagine
what it does in the tiny capillaries in the brain with 10 times the amount of
blood flowing through it as compared to the average across the rest of the
body. I believe that a significant cause of memory loss happens as the synapse
process in the brain is impeded by being starved of oxygen -- especially in
the near-term memory as we see occur in our older folks. I have seen a
significant improvement in my ability to remember and to deal with complex
issues in the last few years for which, again, I am extremely grateful to the
Lord for this marvelous revelation. For our mission to Côte dIvoire, West
Africa, we had to learn French -- a significant challenge for two
sixty-two-year-old people.
In January 1996, our oldest son, Sterling, told us of a gentleman, Thomas Rodgers, who had been pulled back from death having
been given some new insights regarding the Word of Wisdom. I felt impressed to
hear his story. In his experience when going through the veil of death, he was
met by the Savior and was instructed in a profound way. His near-death
experience in June of '91 was brought on by his dietary habits. He was a dairy
farmer. He made a most remarkable recovery following the guidelines given.
During the summer of 1995, at age 55, he ran a marathon. He was also
instructed to share his message. Thousands have heard his story and have
chosen to follow a plant-centered diet. These people have seen wonderful
changes that have occurred in their lives. His subsequent studies have also
shown that the bodies pH level is very important and that avoiding meat and
dairy products is one of the best ways to bring proper balance. Some worry
about acids in fruits and vegetables, but these along with all of the rest
obtainable in a plant based diet bring about the desired balance and the
greatly reduced risk of all kinds of diseases by strengthening the bodies
immunity system. Fresh and raw are best. Fruit juices are marvelous cleansers
and immunity system builders.
That dairy products are culprits was a surprise to me. Studies have shown
that they are major contributors to arteriosclerosis as well as meat. My wife loved
cheese, and I was a great fan of yogurt and ice cream. When one feels
so good, you loose the desire for that which makes you feel bad.
Again, I have come to know that this revelation given to the Prophet Joseph
Smith is pure gold. For me there are three major benefits. First, you feel so
much better. Second, your immunity system is working to continually ward off
diseases (and this was extremely important in Africa given the unbelievable
number and variety of diseases existing there). Third and most important for
me, we can only lay claim on ALL the promised blessings the Lord
extends by following ALL the guidelines given. This my wife and I are
striving to do and we have felt an incredible outpouring of blessings from the
Lord as a result. If we only live half (the DONTS, for example), why should
we expect all of the blessings promised. My wife and I have had very good
health for our age and given the large number of diseases, we truly feel the
Destroying Angel pass us by and we thank the Lord daily.
A few other statistics you might find interesting. For every minute a
person smokes, he or she takes about 8 minutes off of his or her life; for
every minute a person eats meat, he or she takes about 12 minutes off of his
or her life. About half of the water in the United States is used to put meat
and dairy on our plates. The earth is about 10 times more efficient in its
ability to provide a plant based diet versus a meat and dairy based diet.
Knowing these things, we see an excellent opportunity to extend our love
towards all of our neighbors throughout the world by cutting most, if not all,
the meat and dairy from our diets. By so conserving and showing respect for
our environment, we also show increased love for the Lord, as well as our
Because of a Joseph like dream I had a few years ago, I felt impressed to
write a special pamphlet, entitled Whats on My
Plate? Does it affect My Body, Mind and Spirit?. I believe you, like
me, will be enlightened by the several new findings. I have checked its
accuracy with several experts in terms of the data it uses. I had a chance to
visit with several physicians while we were learning French for two months at
the Senior Missionary Training Center, and found general agreement and some
were very appreciative of the new data. The 89th Section of the
Doctrine and Covenants is also enclosed for ready
There is a real nice book by Dr. Kenneth Johnson, Mormon
Wisdom and Health; A Doctrinal Analysis of the Word of Wisdom. He, for
example, has read the enclosed pamphlet and not only agrees with its content
but was pleased to see the information being made available. A front cover
feature story for the Church News, a few years ago, was about a patriarch from
the Bonneville Stake. The storys main point was his health at advanced
years and how well he followed the Word of Wisdom. I have visited with him
personally. His life story is fascinating and consistent with the information
herein. He also really liked the pamphlet. Some interesting quotes on this
subject taken from a cross section of a few famous people is also
Sincerely your friend,
David W. Allan

In his experience when going through the veil of death, Thomas Rodgers claims that he was met by
the Savior and was instructed in a profound way. His death-and-back experience
in June of '91 was brought on by terrible dietary habits. He was a dairy
farmer. He made a most remarkable recovery following the guidelines given.
During the summer of 1995, at age 55, he ran a marathon. He was also
instructed to share his message. Thousands have heard his story and have
chosen to follow a plant-centered diet. These people have seen wonderful
changes that have occurred in their lives.

return to: Health, Diet, and
Compassionate Eating Habits (Index)
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