22 August 2000
Dear family, friends, and colleagues,
Yesterday was an historic day. We have been working on this new unified field
theory ( UFT) for now about a year. One of our dreams has been to get solid
experimental evidence of the theory's validity. Such was our happy lot
yesterday. In the optics lab in the basement of the BYU Erying science center,
John Benson Madsen and I obtained about four hours of experimentation
detecting UV radiation from a diallel-line quantum transition.
One of the key discoveries and elements of this new UFT is the existence of
diallel, gravitational-field lines. These diallel lines emanate out from all
entities and have the inherent capability of carrying all of the force fields,
any and/or all of the atomic particles, photons, gravitational information,
and much much more. Proving the existence of these diallel lines has been one
of our main quests.
The new theory predicted pendulum clock slowing when operated over a high
energy-density source as these diallel lines are bent or lensed because of the
presence of this high energy-density source. I conducted a 50 hour marathon
experiment here at the house with two borrowed pendulum clocks and
demonstrated this predicted effect. I used three different energy-density
sources: chemical, magnetic field, and electrostatic field. The effect was
small as was expected but most profoundly this experiment gave evidence of a
fifth dimension to this new UFT. That is also consistent with the theory.
The BYU physics department has been very supportive to help me with the second
experiment. Because of the indicated diallel-line bending from the first
experiment, we chose to use a laser mirror, acting as a plumb bob, to measure
this bending effect since the diallel lines define the local vertical. For the
energy-density sources that we used, the calculated effects are small of
the order of a micro-radian. This has been barely detectable above the
measurement noise of our fairly simple experimental setup.
Like in the atom, there are quantum states for the diallel-line electrons. In
nature there are numerous evidences of these diallel-line quantum transitions;
the "blue Jets" and "red sprites" are classic examples. We
felt to do an experiment in which we would excite these diallel-line
electrons, then have them interact with laser photons through their de Broglie
like wavelengths bringing about a release of their energy, which brings
about a blue shift of the photons as they interact on the face of a laser
mirror and also a release of UV radiation orthogonal to the laser beam and the
diallel lines.
As we created a high energy density pulse to excite the diallel-line
electrons, at that moment of the pulse we detected the UV photons coming off
orthogonal to the region of interaction. We used an ultra-simple UV detection
scheme UV detection powder donated to us by Rick Townsend of the Utah
state criminal laboratory. Our daughter, Jeannette, was kind enough to pick it
up for us last Friday afternoon, so that we could get it from her on Friday
evening, after attending a wedding reception of one of our missionaries, that
we met in West Africa, Cote d'Voire mission.
It was 11:00 last night before I finished analyzing the video recording of our
experimentation. To see the colorful little blips come off of the TV monitor
in correlation with the energy pulse gave me the most exciting TV I have ever
watched. As posted on our website www.allanstime.com there are numerous
experiments one can do to further validate this new theory. We are pursuing
those we can. The long-term blessings and benefits coming from this new UFT
are enormous. We thank the hand of Providence for His assist in this exciting
[David W. Allan]

Tuesday, September 12, 2000 11:44 AM
We observed continuous diallel-line quantum emissions for the first
time last Saturday. Probably the most exciting day of my professional
career. We found a resonance line at 420 nm.
More about this later as we get things written up. We hope to look
for more of the lines and structure this week. Diallel transitions behave very
differently from molecular transitions; more on that later too. Really
fascinating. I was awe struck with what I saw.
Dave Allan

A special thanks to Dr. Leonard S. Cutler of Agilent Technologies who,
upon learning of our need for a UV spectrometer, loaned us a UV monochrometer,
which would very nicely allow us to do the spectrometry over the UV spectral
region - expected according to the theory and according to other external
experimental evidence.