I just finished reading the book "Magic
Trees of the Mind" by Dr. Marian Diamond and Janet Hopson. It
is a must read for everyone, and I would like to feature it on our web site.
I discovered Dr. Diamond's work nearly a year and a half ago while doing
research on the web for my book. I was particularly looking for the
effect of music (proper frequency environment) on learning and on the
brain. In 1963, Dr. Diamond and colleagues were able to demonstrate that
one can grow the brain by providing it a proper environment, which definitely
includes good music. It reminds one immediately of the video,
"Music of the Heart."
The brain is like a muscle, you use it our loose it. If you use it
properly, you get an increase. By far the greatest growth benefits come
from conception to about 7 or 8 years of age. The benefits are
incredible, and this information is definitely something that everyone should
know. Hundreds of scientific papers have come out of her work, and she gives
some excellent resource information as part of her book.
I specifically want to feature it because it ties in so beautifully to the
new UFT we are working on. I plan to write an article and a book report
in this regard -- to help explain the grand harmony when body, mind and spirit
are brought into unity as part of the great plan of an infinitely loving and
personal Heavenly Father. The diallel structure in the UFT as in ties
into the dendrites of the brain is the heart and core of the issue. This
is a totally unexplored area of research and is really exciting.
David W. Allan
March 01, 2001