David W. Allan
David W. Allan has authored over 100 papers in the field of precise time and frequency. He and his colleagues developed the Allan Variance which is at the heart of international time-keeping algorithms. He is in process of writing a college text book on time for John Wiley and Sons. |
![]() | Device and method for providing accurate time and/or frequency (USPTO 5,274,545; Dec. 28, 1993) |
![]() | Microwave power level stabilizing circuit for cesium beam frequency standards (USPTO 4,331,933; May 25, 1992) |
click here to access National Institute of Standards and Technology document search (indicated by "BIN" number after the following entries). |
J.A. Barnes, D.W. Allan, and A.E. Wainwright, The Ammonia Beam Maser as a Standard of Frequency, IRE Transactions on Instrumentation, I-11, No. 1, 26-30, 1962. (BIN: 208)
J.A. Barnes and D.W. Allan, Effects of Long-Term Stability on the Definition and Measurement of Short-Term Stability, Proceedings of the IEEE-NASA Symposium on the Definition and Measurement of Short-Term Frequency Stability, 119-123, 1964. (BIN: 176)
J.A. Barnes, D.H. Andrews, and D.W. Allan, The NBS-A Time Scale-Its Generation and Dissemination, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-14, No. 4, 228-232, 1965. (BIN: 186)
J.A. Barnes and D.W. Allan, Two Papers on the Statistics of Precision Frequency Generators, NBS Report 8878, 1-40, 1965. (BIN: 224)
J.A. Barnes and D.W. Allan, A Statistical Model of Flicker Noise, Proceedings of the IEEE, 54, No. 2, 176-178, 1966. (BIN: 5)
D.W. Allan, Statistics of Atomic Frequency Standard, Proceedings of the IEEE, 54, No. 2, 221-231, 1966. (BIN: 7)
R. Vessot, H. Peters, J. Vanier, R. Beehler, D. Halford, R. Harrach, D. Allan, D. Glaze, C. Snider, J. Barnes, L. Culter, and L. Bodily, An Intercomparison of Hydrogen and Cesium Frequency Standards, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-15, No. 4, 1966. (BIN: 172)
L. Fey, J.A. Barnes, and D.W. Allan, An Analysis of a Low Information Rate Time Control Unit, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, 629-635, 1966. (BIN: 187)
R. Beehler, D. Halford, R. Harrach, D. Allan, D. Glaze, C. Snider, J. Barnes, R. Vessot, H. Peters, J. Vanier, L. Cutler, and L. Bodily, An Intercomparison of Atomic Standards, Proceedings of the IEEE, 54, No. 2, 301-302, 1966. (BIN: 225)
J.A. Barnes and D.W. Allan, An Approach to the Prediction of Coordinated Universal Time, Frequency, 3-8, 1967. (BIN: 185)
D.W. Allan, L. Fey, H.E. Machlan, and J.A. Barnes, An Ultra-Precise Time Synchronization System Designed by Computer Simulation, Frequency, 1-5, 1968. (BIN: 180)
G.E. Hudson, D. W. Allan, J.A. Barnes, R. Hall, J.D. Lavanceau, and G.M.R. Winkler, A Coordinate Frequency and Time System, 249-262, 1969. (BIN: 12)
H. Hellwig, R.C. Vessot, M.W. Levine, P.W. Zitzewitz, D.W. Allan and D.J. Glaze, Measurement of the Unperturbed Hydrogen Hyperfine Transition Frequency, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-19, No. 4, 200-209, 1970. (BIN: 13)
D.W. Allan, J.E. Gray and H.E. Machlan, The NBS Atomic Time Scale System: AT(NBS), SAT(NBS), and UTC(NBS), 24th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control (SFC), 361, 1970. (BIN: 17)
D.W. Allan, S. Leschiutta, and G. Rovera, TV Frame Pulses Used for Precision Time Synchronization and Their Noise Distribution, Alta Frequencza 39, 180, 1970. (BIN: 18)
D.W. Allan and J.A. Barnes, Some Statistical Properties of LF and VLF Propagation, Proceedings of the 13th AGARD Symposium No. 33, 219-230, 1970. (BIN: 505)
D.W. Allan and J.E. Gray, Comments on the October 1970 Metrologia Paper "The U.S. Naval Observatory Clock Time Reference and the Performance of a Sample of Atomic Clocks", International Journal of Scientific Metrology, 7, No. 2, 79-82, 1971. (BIN: 23)
[citations]D.W. Allan, Statistical Modeling and Filtering For Optimum Atomic Time Scale Generation, Proceedings of the Frequency Standards and Metrology Seminar, Quebec, Canada, 388-410, 1971. (BIN: 32)
D.W. Allan, B.E. Blair, D.D. Davis, and H.E. Machlan, Precision and Accuracy of Remote Synchronization Via Portable Clocks, Loran-C, and Network Television Broadcasts, Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control (SFC), 195-208, 1971. (BIN: 37)
[citations]D.W. Allan, B.E. Blair, D.D. Davis, and H.E. Machlan, Precision and Accuracy of Remote Synchronization Via Portable Clocks, Loran-C, and Network Television Broadcasts, Metrologia, 8, 64-73, 1972. (BIN: 37)
D.W. Allan, H.E. Machlan, and J. Marshall, Time Transfer Using Nearly Simultaneous Reception Times of a Common Transmission, Proceedings of 26th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, 309-316, 1972. (BIN: 42)
D.W. Allan, J.E. Gray, and H.E. Machlan, The National Bureau of Standards Atomic Time Scales: Generation, Dissemination, Stability, and Accuracy, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-21, No. 4, 388-391, 1972. (BIN: 45)
D.J. Glaze, H. Hellwig, S. Jarvis, Jr., A.E. Wainwright, and D.W. Allan, Recent Progress On The NBS Primary Frequency Standard, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control (SFC), 334, 1973. (BIN: 52)
D.W. Allan, D.J. Glaze, H.E. Machlan, A.E. Wainwright, H. Hellwig, J.A. Barnes, and J.E. Gray, Performance, Modeling, and Simulation of Some Cesium Beam Clocks, Proceedings of the 27th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control (SFC), 334, 1973. (BIN: 53)
D.W. Allan, J.H. Shoaf, and D. Halford, Statistics of Time and Frequency Data Analysis, Chapter 8, from Characterization of Frequency Stability, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, 151-204, 1973. (BIN: 771)
J.E. Gray and D.W. Allan, A Method for Estimating the Frequency Stability of an Individual Oscillator, Proceedings of the 28th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, 243-246, 1974. (BIN: 57)
D.J. Glaze, H. Hellwig, D.W. Allan, S. Jarvis, Jr., and A.E. Wainwright, Accuracy Evaluation and Stability of the NBS Primary Frequency Standards, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-23, No. 4, 489-501, 1974. (BIN: 65)
D.W. Allan, J.E. Gray, and H.E. Machlan, The National Bureau of Standards Atomic Time Scale: Generation, Stability, Accuracy and Accessibility, NBS Monograph 140, Time and Frequency: Theory and Fundamentals, 205-231, 1974. (BIN: 194)
D.W. Allan, H. Hellwig, and D.J. Glaze, An Accuracy Algorithm for an Atomic Time Scale, Metrologia, 11, 133-138, 1975. (BIN: 69)
[citations]D.W. Allan, The Measurement of Frequency and Frequency Stability of Precision Oscillators, NBS Technical Note 669, 1-27, 1975. (BIN: 74)
H. Hellwig, D.W. Allan, and F.L. Walls, Time and Frequency, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants (AMCO-5), 1975. (BIN: 75)
H. Hellwig, D.W. Allan, S. Jarvis, Jr., and D.J. Glaze, The Realization of the Second, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Atomic Masses and Fundamental Constants (AMCO-5), 1975. (BIN: 76)
D.W. Allan, Picosecond Time Difference Measurement System, Proceedings of the 29th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, 404-411, 1975. (BIN: 78)
D.W. Allan, The Measurement of Frequency and Frequency Stability of Precision Oscillators, NBS Technical Note 669, 1-27, 1975. (BIN: 474)
R.V. Pound, W.T. Vetterling, C.J.A. Penny, H.M. Smith, G.A. Wilkins,D.W. Allan, A.G. Mungall, G.M.R. Winkler, W.H. Cannon, and O.G. Jensen, Acceleration and Clocks, Science, 191, 489-491, 1976. (BIN: 83)
D.W. Allan, Report on NBS Dual Mixer Time Difference System (DMTD) Built for Time-Domain Measurements Associated with Phase 1 of GPS, NBSIR 75-827, 1-18, 1976. (BIN: 84)
D.W. Allan and F.H. Brzoticky, Calibration of Police Radar Instruments, Reprinted from NBS Special Publication 442, 42-47, 1976. (BIN: 87)
D.J. Wineland, D.W. Allan, D.J. Glaze, H. Hellwig, and S. Jarvis, Jr., Results on Limitations in Primary Cesium Standard Operation, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-25, No. 4, 453-458, 1976. (BIN: 101)
D.J. Glaze, H. Hellwig, D.W. Allan, and S. Jarvis, Jr., NBS-4 and NBS-6: The NBS Primary Frequency Standards, Metrologia, 13, 17-28, 1977. (BIN: 193)
[citations]D.W. Allan, H. Hellwig, S. Jarvis, Jr., D.A. Howe, and R. M. Garvey, Some Causes and Cures of Frequency Instabilities in Cesium Beam Frequency Standards, Proceedings of the 31st Annual Symposium on Frequency Control (SFC), 555-573, 1977. (BIN: 111)
D.W. Allan, D.J. Wineland, and H. Hellwig, Congruence of Recent Measurements at the Rate of International Atomic Time, Proceedings of the 8th Session of CCDS, 1977. (BIN: 119)
D.W. Allan, A Review of Flicker Noise Frequency Instabilities in Precision Frequency Standards, Proceedings of the Symposium on 1/f Fluctuation, Tokyo, Japan, 158-172, 1977. (BIN: 634)
H. Hellwig, D.W. Allan, S.R. Stein, and K.A. Prichard, Transcontinental and Intercontinental Portable Clock Time Comparison, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-27, No. 1, 65-68, 1978. (BIN: 113)
D.W. Allan, R.J. Besson, G. Busca, R.M. Garvey, H. Hellwig, D.A. Howe, S. Jarvis, A. Risley, S.R. Stein, F.L. Walls, and D.J. Wineland, Some Recent Progress in Microwave Frequency and Time Standards at the National Bureau of Standards, Proceedings of the 9th Annual PTTI Planning Meeting, 343, 1978. (BIN: 120)
D.W. Allan and H. Hellwig, Time Deviation and Time Prediction Error for Clock Specification, Characterization, and Application, Proceedings of the Position Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS), 29-36, 1978. (BIN: 136)
N. Ashby and D.W. Allan, Practical Implications of Relativity for a Global Coordinate Time Scale, Radio Science, 14, No. 4, 649-669, 1979. (BIN: 133)
D.W. Allan and M.A. Weiss, Accurate Time and Frequency Transfer During Common-View of a GPS Satellite, Proceedings of the 34th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control (SFC), 334, 1980. (BIN: 192)
J.L. Jespersen, M. Weiss, D.D. Davis, and D.W. Allan, Global Positioning System for Accurate Time and Frequency Transfer and for Cost-Effective Civilian Navigation, Proceedings of the IEEE PLANS '80 Position Location and Navigation Symposium, December 8-11, 1980, 468, 1980. (BIN: 496)
R. Decher, D.W. Allan, C.O. Alley, R.F.C. Vessot and G.M.R. Winkler, A Space System for High-Accuracy Global Time and Frequency Comparison of Clocks, Proceedings of the 12th Annual PTTI Applications and Planning Meeting, 99, 1980. (BIN: 544)
D.W. Allan, C.O. Alley, R. Decher, R.F.C. Vessot, and G.M.R. Winkler, Shuttle Time and Frequency Transfer Experiment, NASA Technical Memorandum NASA TM-78288, 1980. (BIN: 646)
D.D. Davis, M.A. Weiss, A. Clements, and D.W. Allan, Unprecedented Syntonization and Synchronization Accuracy Via Simultaneous Viewing with GPS Receivers; Construction Characteristics of an NBS/GPS Receiver, Proceedings of the 13th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, 527-544, 1981. (BIN: 28)
NOTE: "Unprecedented Syntonization"
It takes a good dictionary to find the word syntonization. Synchronization means the clock times agree. Syntonization means the clock rates agree. They differ by a derivative, and unless differentiated appropriately in the vernacular, much confusion arises. Telecom almost always uses the word "synchronization" when they mean "syntonization."D.W. Allan, Some Methods of Maintaining and/or Generating Time and Frequency at Arbitrary Points on Surface of the Earth, Journal of the Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, 27, No. 10, 383-388, 1981. (BIN: 502)
D.A. Howe, D.W. Allan, and J.A. Barnes, Properties of Signal Sources and Measurement Methods, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, 1981. (BIN: 554)
D.D. Davis, M. Weiss, A. Clements and D.W. Allan, Construction and Performance Characteristics of a Prototype NBS/GPS Receiver, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, 1981. (BIN: 558)
D.W. Allan and J.A. Barnes, A Modified "Allan Variance" with Increased Oscillator Characterization Ability, Proceedings of the 35th Annual Frequency Control Symposium,, 470-475, 1981. (BIN: 560) {click here for abstract}
D.W. Allan, C.O. Alley, N. Ashby, R. Decher, R.F.C. Vessot and G.M.R. Winkler, Ultra-Accurate International Time and Frequency Comparison Via an Orbiting Hydrogen-Maser Clock, Journal De Physique, Colloque C8, 395-413, 1981. (BIN: 589)
D.W. Allan and J.A. Barnes, Optimal Time and Frequency Transfer Using GPS Signals, Proceedings of the 36th Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, 1982. (BIN: 149)
D.W. Allan, C.O. Alley, Jr., R.Decher, R.F.C. Vessot and G. Winkler, Shuttle Experiment to Demonstrate High-Accuracy Global Time and Frequency Transfer, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, GE-20, No. 3, 321-325, 1982. (BIN: 606)
J.A. Barnes, R.H. Jones, P.V. Tryon, and D.W. Allan, Stochastic Models for Atomic Clocks, NASA Conference Publication 2265 - Proceedings of the 14th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, 295-306, 1982. (BIN: 626)
R. Decher, D.W. Allan, C.O. Alley, C. Baugher, B.J. Duncan, R.F.C. Vessot, and G.M.R. Winkler, High-Accuracy Global Time and Frequency Transfer with a Space-Borne Hydrogen Maser Clock, Proceedings of the 14th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, 205-221, 1982. (BIN: 636)
G. Kamas and D.W. Allan, New Time and Frequency Dissemination Services at the National Bureau of Standards, Proceedings of the Precise Time and Time Interval Applications and Planning Meeting (PTTI), 1983. (BIN: 638)
D.W. Allan, National and International Time and Frequency Comparisons, Proceedings of the 37th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, 1983. (BIN: 644)
D.W. Allan, Clock Characterization Tutorial, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, 1983. (BIN: 662)
D.W. Allan, D.J. Glaze, J.E. Gray, R.H. Jones, J. Levine, and S.R. Stein, Recent Improvements in the Atomic Time Scales of the National Bureau of Standards, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, 1983. (BIN: 663)
D.W. Allan and M. Weiss, Separating the Variances of Noise Components in the Global Positioning System, Proceedings of the 15th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, 115-131, 1983. (BIN: 664)
S.R. Stein, G. Kamas, and D.W. Allan, New Time and Frequency Services at the National Bureau of Standards, Proceedings of the Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, 17-27, 1983. (BIN: 665)
D.W. Allan, Pulsar Clock, Letters to the Editor, SCIENCE, 220, 776, 1984. (BIN: 661)
N. Ashby and D.W. Allan, Coordinate Time On and Near the Earth, Physical Review Letters, 53, No. 19, 1858, 1984. (BIN: 681)
D.W. Allan and M. Weiss, Separating Some of the Error Sources in the Global Positioning System by Variance and Linear Analysis, 1984 URSI Conference, 1984. (BIN: 690)
D.W. Allan, Frequency and Time Coordination, Comparison, and Dissemination, Precision Frequency Control, Ed. E.A. Gerber and A. Ballato (Academic Press, New York, 1985) pp. 233-273., 2, 233-273, 1985. (BIN: 619)
D.W. Allan, D.D. Davis, M. Weiss, A. Clements, B. Guinot, M. Granveaud, K. Dorenwendt, B. Fischer, P. Hetzel, S. Aoki, M.-K. Fujimoto, L. Charron, and N. Ashby, Accuracy of International Time and Frequency Comparisons Via Global Positioning System Satellites in Common-View, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-34, No. 2, 118-125, 1985. (BIN: 689)
D.W. Allan, M.A. Weiss, and N. Ashby, Around-the-World Relativistic Sagnac Experiment, SCIENCE, 228, 69-70, 1985. (BIN: 711)
J.A. Barnes and D.W. Allan, Time Scale Stabilities Based on Time and Frequency Kalman Filters, Proc. of the 39th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, May 29 - 31, 107-109, 1985. (BIN: 854)
D.W. Allan, Characterization, Optimum Estimation, and Time Prediction for Precision Clocks, submitted to the Proceedings of the 1985 Precise Time and Time Interval Meeting, 1986.
F.L. Walls and D.W. Allan, Measurements of Frequency Stability, Proceedings of the IEEE Special Issue, 74, No. 1, 1986. (BIN: 717)
D.W. Allan and N. Ashby, Coordinate Time in the Vicinity of the Earth, International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 114, Relativity in Celestial Mechanics and Astrometry (D. Reidel Publ. Co, Holland), 299-313, 1986. (BIN: 548)
M.A. Weiss and D.W. Allan, Using Multiple Reference Stations to Separate the Variances of Noise Components in the Global Positioning System, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, 394-404, 1986. (BIN: 794)
D.D. Davis, M. Weiss, A.C. Clements, and D.W. Allan, Remote Synchronization within a Few Nanoseconds by Simultaneous Viewing of the 1.575 GHz GPS Satellite Signals, Not published, 1986. (BIN: 601)
D.W. Allan, Should the Classical Variance Be Used as a Basic Measure in Standards Metrology?, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-36, 646-654, 1987. (BIN: 776)
M.A. Weiss and D.W. Allan, An NBS Calibration Procedure for Providing Time and Frequency at a Remote Site by Weighting and Smoothing of GPS Common View Data, IEEE Trans. on Instrumentation and Measurement, IM-36, 572-578, 1987. (BIN: 775)
D.W. Allan, Millisecond Pulsar Rivals Best Atomic Clock Stability, Proceedings of the 41st Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, Philadelphia, PA, 2-11, 1987. (BIN: 751)
W.J. Klepczynski, H.F. Fliegel and D.W. Allan, GPS Time Steering, Proceedings of Precise Time & Time Interval Planning Meeting, Washington, DC, December 2-4, 1986, 237-248, 1987. (BIN: 682)
F. Varnum, D.R. Brown, D.W. Allan, and T.K. Peppler, Comparison of Time Scales Generated with the NBS Ensembling Algorithm, Proceedings of the 19th Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Meeting, 1987.
D.W. Allan, Time and Frequency (Time-Domain) Characterization, Estimation, and Prediction of Precision Clocks and Oscillators, IEEE Transactions on Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control, UFFC-34, 647-654, 1987. (BIN: 752)
D.W. Allan and Lin Ping Ping, Estimating Combined Errors Due to Propagation and Ephemeris and their Effect on Time and Frequency Transfer, Proc. of the 41st Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, Philadelphia, PA, May 27-29, 144-148, 1988. (BIN: 801)
D.W. Allan, A Study of Long-Term Stability of Atomic Clocks, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, Redondo Beach, CA, Dec. 1-3, 1987, 375379, 1988. (BIN: 762)
J.R. Clynch, B.W. Tolman, M.A. Weiss, D.W. Allan and D. Davis, Dual Frequency P-Code Time Transfer Experiment, Proceedings of the 20th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Applications meeting, 1988.
J.E. Gray, H.E. Machlan, and D.W. Allan, The Effect of Humidity on Commercial Cesium Beam Atomic Clocks, Proc. of 42nd Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, Baltimore, MD, June 1-4, 514-518, 1988. (BIN: 790)
A. Shenhar, W. Litman, A. Lepek, A. Chitrinovitch, D.W. Allan, and T.K. Peppler, Israel's New Synchronized Time Scale, UTC(INPL), 42nd Annual Frequency Control Symposium, Baltimore, MD, June 1-3, 485-489, 1988. (BIN: 784)
D.W. Allan and T.K. Peppler, Ensemble Time and Frequency Stability of GPS Satellite Clocks, Proc. of 42nd Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, Baltimore, MD, June 1-4, 465-467, 1988. (BIN: 785)
D.W. Allan and Lin Ping-ping, Estimating Combined Errors due to Propagation and Ephemeris and Their Effect on Time and Frequency Transfer, Proc. of the 41st Annual Frequency Control Symposium, Philadelphia, PA, 144-148, 1988. (BIN: 777)
D.W. Allan, H. Hellwig, P. Kartaschoff, J. Vanier, J. Vig, G.M.R. Winkler, and N.F. Yannoni, Standard Terminology for Fundamental Frequency and Time Metrology, Proceedings of the 42nd Annual Frequency Control Symposium, Baltimore, MD, June 1-4, 419-425, 1988. (BIN: 788)
D.W. Allan, Report from Turin, The Third International Atomic Time Scale Algorithm Symposium, Proceedings of the Twentieth Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, Vienna, VA, November 29-December 1, 237-250, 1988. (BIN: 829)
D.W. Allan, Notes on Variance Testing of Time Scale Algorithms and Clock Sets, Proceedings of the Third International Time Scale Algorithm Symposium, Turin, Italy, September 12 - 13, 361-363, 1988. (BIN: 830)
J. Levine and D.W. Allan, The Steering of a Real Time Clock to UTC(NBS) and To UTC, Proceedings of the Third International Time Scale Algorithm Symposium, 239-254, 1988. (BIN: 831)
D.W. Allan, M.A. Weiss and T.K. Peppler, In Search of the Best Clock, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 38, 624-630, 1989. (BIN: 815) (Available in PDF).
M.A. Weiss, D.W. Allan and T.K. Peppler, A Study of the NBS Time Scale Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 38, 631-635, 1989. (BIN: 816) (Available in PDF).
D.W. Allan, In Search of the Best Clock--An Update, Proc. of the Fourth Symposium on Frequency Standards and Metrology, Ancona, Italy, September 5-9, 29-36, 1989. (BIN: 803)
J. Levine, M. Weiss, D.D. Davis, D.W. Allan, and D.B. Sullivan, The NIST Automated Computer Time Service, Journal of Research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, 94, 311-321, 1989. (BIN: 844)
J.A. Barnes and D.W. Allan, Variances Based on Data with Dead Time Between the Measurements, NIST Tech Note 1318, 1990. (BIN: 878)
J. Levine, M. Weiss, D.D. Davis, D.W. Allan, and D.B. Sullivan, The NIST Digital Time Service, Proc. of 21st Precise Time & Time Interval Applications & Planning Meeting, Redondo Beach, CA, Nov. 28-30, 181-190, 1990. (BIN: 862)
D.W. Allan, Synchronization of Clocks, Proc. of the 21st Annual Precise Time and Time Interval Planning Meeting, Redondo Beach, CA, Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, 1-16, 1990. (BIN: 864)
D.B. Sullivan, D.W. Allan, D.A. Howe, and F.L. Walls, Characterization of Clocks and Oscillators, NIST Tech Note 1337, 1990. (BIN: 868)
D.W. Allan, Remote Time and Frequency Comparisons Now and in the Future, Proc. of European Frequency and Time Forum, Neuchatel, Switzerland, March 13-15, 619-630, 1990. (BIN: 872)
D.W. Allan, P. Daly, I.D. Ketching, and T.K. Peppler, Frequency and Time Stability of GPS and GLONASS Clocks, Proc. of 44th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, Baltimore, MD, May 23-26, 127-139, 1990. (BIN: 890)
D.W. Allan and J. Levine, A Rubidium Frequency Standard and a GPS Receiver: Remotely Steered Clock System with Good Short-Term and Long-Term Stability, Proc. of 44th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, Baltimore, MD, May 23-26, 151-160, 1990. (BIN: 894)
D.W. Allan, D.D. Davis, J. Levine, M.A. Weiss, N. Hironaka, and D. Okayama, New Inexpensive Frequency Calibration Service from NIST, Proc. of the 44th Annual Frequency Control Symposium, Baltimore, MD, May 23-26, 107-116, 1990. (BIN: 889)
A.A. Uljanov, N.A. Demidov, E.M. Mattison, R.F.C. Vessot, D.W. Allan, and G.M.R. Winkler, Performance of Soviet and U.S. Hydrogen Masers, submitted to Proc. of 22nd Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Applications and Planning Meeting, 1990., 1990.
D.W. Allan, M. Granveaud, W.J. Klepczynski, and W. Lewandowski, GPS Time Transfer with Implementation of Selective Availability, submitted to Proc. of 22nd Annual PTTI Planning Meeting, 1991.
D. W. Allan, M. A. Weiss, J. L. Jespersen, A Frequency-Domain View of Time-Domain Characterization of Clocks and Time and Frequency Distribution Systems, Proceedings of the Fourty-Fifth Annual Symposium on Frequency Control, pp. 667-678, 29-31 May 1991.
In July, 1992, David W. Allan "retired" from the National Institution of Standards and Technology (NIST) in Boulder Colorado and commenced Allan's Time Interval Metrology Enterprise in Fountain Green Utah.
M.A. Weiss, D.W. Allan, D.D. Davis, and J. Levine; Smart Clock: A New Time; IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas., 41, 915-918, 1992. (Available in PDF)
Marc A. Weiss, David W. Allan, and David A. Howe; Confidence on the Second Difference Estimation of Frequency Drift; Proceedings of 1992 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium.
David W. Allan, Chairman, James A. Barnes, Franco Cordara, Michael Garvey, William Hanson, Jack Kusters, Robert Smythe, Fred L. Walls; report of Working Group 3 of the IEEE SCC27 Committee; Precision Oscillators: Dependence of Frequency on Temperature, Humidity and Pressure; Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE Frequency Control Symposium. (Available in PDF).
D. W. Allan, and A. Lepek, Trends in International Timing, Proceedings of European Frequency and Time Forum, Neuchatel Switzerland, March 1993.
David W. Allan, Alex Lepek; Trends in International Timing; Proceedings of the 1993 European Frequency and Time Forum
Alison Brown, David W. Allan, Rick Walton; Precise Time Dissemination Using the Inmarsat Geostationary Overlay; Proceedings of the 1993 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium.
David W. Allan, Wayne Dewey; Time-Domain Spectrum of GPS SA; Proceedings of 1993 Institute of Navigation ION GPS-93.
Claudine Thomas, David W. Allan; A Real-Time Prediction of UTC; Proceedings of the 1993 Precise Time Time Interval Applications and Planning Meeting.
David W. Allan, Alex Lepek, Len Cutler, Robin Giffard, Jack Kusters, A 10-15 International Frequency Reference Available Now;
David W. Allan, Marc A. Weiss; The Variance of Predictability of Hydrogen Masers and of Primary Cesium Standards in Support of a Real Time UTC; Proc. 8th European Freq. and Time Forum, Weihenstephan, Germany, March 9-11, 1049-1066, 1994.
John A. Kusters and Kenneth Ho, Robin P. Giffard & Leonard S. Cutler, David W. Allan; A No-drift and less than 10-13 Long-term Stability Quartz Oscillator Using a GPS SA Filter; Proceedings of the 1994 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. (Available in PDF).
Jack Kusters and Kenneth Ho, Samuel R. Stein, David W. Allan; A Globally Efficient and Effective Means of Maintaining the SI Second and UTC Time; Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements, Digest, 1994.
David W. Allan, Jack Kusters and Robin Giffard; Civil GPS Timing Applications; Proceedings of ION GPS-94.
John A. Kusters, Robin P. Giffard, Leonard S. Cutler, David W. Allan, Mihran Miranian; A Globally Efficient Means of Disrtributing UTC Time and Frequency Through GPS; Proceedings of 1994 Precise Time Time Interval Applications and Planning Meeting.
D.W. Allan, C. Thomas; International Report: Technical Directives for Standardization of GPS Time Receiver Software to be implemented for improving the accuracy of GPS common-view time transfer; Metrologia, 1994, 31, n°1, 69-79.
[citations]David W. Allan, Robin Giffard, Leonard S. Cutler, Jack Kusters; Improved Time And Frequency Transfer Opportunities Via GPS; Proceedings of the 1995 Meeting of The European Frequency And Time Forum.
David W. Allan; The Impact of Precise Time in Our Lives: A Historical and Futuristic Perspective Surrounding GPS [online]; 50th Anniversary Invited Talk at Institute of Navigation Annual Meeting, held in Colorado Springs, Colorado; 5-7 June 1995. (Available in PDF - 397kb).
David W. Allan, Alex Lepek, Len Cutler, Robin Giffard, Jack Kusters; The Impact of the Hp 5071a on International Atomic Time; Support Paper for the 1995 PTTI Tutorial
A. Lepek, A. Shenhar, and D.W. Allan, INPL Virtual Time Scale, UTC(INPL); Metrologia, 1996, 32(4), 245-252.
D. W. Allan; Harmonizing GPS and GLONAS; GPS World, Forum; May 1996, p. 51.
Neil Ashby, David W. Allan; Navigation and Timing Accuracy at the 30 Centimeter and Subnanosecond Level; Proceedings of 1996 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium.
Robin P. Giffard, Leonard S. Cutler, John A. Kusters, Mihran Miranian, David W. Allan; Continuous, Multi-channel, Common-view L1-GPS Time Comparison over a 4,000 km Baseline; Proceedings of 1996 IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium. (Available in PDF).
David W. Allan; Neil Ashby; Real-time GPS Orbital Elements at the 10 Centimeter Level
With Only Two Monitor Stations; Proceedings of 1997 Institute of Navigation, ION GPS-97.
Claude Audoin, Andreas Bauch, Roger Beehler, Laurent-Guy Bernier, Fred Walls, Richard L. Sydnor, Claudine Thomas, Patrizia Tavella, Sigfrido Leschiutta, Franco Cordara, Michel Granveaud, Leonard Cutler, Donald Sullivan; Editors: Richard L. Sydnor, David W. Allan; HANDBOOK: Selection and Use of Precise Frequency and Time Systems; International Telecommunication Union Handbook, 1997 Radiocommunication; Bureau, Geneva, Switzerland.
David W. Allan, Neil Ashby, Cliff Hodge; Science of Timekeeping; Hewlett-Packard Application Note 1289; 1997. | |
David W. Allan, Neil Ashby, Cliff Hodge; Fine-tuning Time in the Space Age; IEEE Spectrum magazine, March 1998, pp 42-51.
David W. Allan; New Timing Opportunities with GPS; GPS Solutions magazine; Vol. 2, No. 1, Summer 1998, pp 27-35.
D. W. Allan, Neil Ashby, Cliff Hodge; A Brief History of Precise Time and GPS; Special Supplemental addition of GPS World; Aug. (with November reprint summary) 1998.
David W. Allan, John A. Kusters, Charles E. Wheatley III; Ctxo, Clever Time Crystal Oscillator (Clock); Proceedings of the 1999 Joint Meeting of The European Frequency and Time Forum and the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium, 13-16 April 1999.
D. W. Allan; Directions 2000;
GPS World; Dec. 1999; p. 36.
(Pending unified field theory to simplify science.)
D. W. Allan; Directions
2001; GPS World; Dec. 2000; p. 36.
(Synchronistic Modulation Detection model.) (Available in
PDF, Copyright 2000 GPS World
magazine, Advanstar Communications, 859 Willamette Street, Eugene OR 97401, USA)
D. W. Allan, Neil Ashby, Gus R. German; A New Paradigm for High Accuracy Orbit Determination at the Centimeter Level; ION GPS 2001.
David W. Allan, Directions 2003 (scroll to end of page): Experts are considering a new definition for Universal Coordinated Time; GPS World; January 2003; pp.30,32.
Pending Book: GPS and Precision Timing Principles: Applications and Opportunities
D. W. Allan; Historicity, Strengths, and Weaknesses of Allan Variances and Their General Applications (DRAFT); The final paper will appear in the proceedings of the 22nd Saint Petersburg International Conference on Integrated Navigation Systems; 25-27 May 2015.
![]() | DWA publications available on-line |
![]() | List of publications by DWA available in PDF format |
![]() | David W. Allan's Biography |
![]() | The Best Clock in the World ... and why we can't live without it (Discover Magazine's June 2000 Feature article on Boulder's Atomic Clock array) |
Page last updated on April 11, 2015
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